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Health coverage that’s a perfect fit.

Get payroll-deducted health insurance with the freedom to choose a plan that works best for you and your family.


More options.

Choose from multiple options from multiple carriers. Get a plan that fits.

Simple enrollment.

With Bavvy, you can shop, enroll, and pay with no out-of-pocket costs. It’s really that easy.

Greater savings.

An optimal plan means you're paying for what coverage you need, not for what you don’t.


Bavvy makes every penny count.

Walk away happy after enrolling with Bavvy.

Traditional group health insurance can leave you with costly plans and few choices. But Bavvy is a whole new way. We work within your budget, help you choose the most suitable plan, and facilitate an easy, stress-free enrollment. 


It’s health coverage you can understand.

We know health insurance can be a headache. We’re here for you.

Bavvy’s side-by-side plan comparison makes it easy to see multiple carrier coverage options, and our Bavvy consultants are ready to help if you need it. Costs are simplified, too. With Bavvy eChecks and payroll deduction, you don’t have to worry about costs out-of-pocket.


Is Bavvy not offered by your employer yet?

In addition to giving employees what they want, Bavvy also helps out employers.

With Bavvy, employer contributions remain tax-free, participation has no minimum requirements, no limits, and no annual rate hikes. Talk to your employer about Bavvy.  They’ll thank you later.

Get started with Bavvy today.

Get started by talking to someone from Bavvy today.

18205 Capitol Ave.

Suite 400

Omaha, NE  68022


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